Our Services
Based on our experience and the continuous training of our associates on issues related to the financial sector, we offer comprehensive accounting monitoring services to serve both natural and legal persons.
Tax Services For Individuals
Submission and amendment of tax returns E1, E2 and E9
Processing of transfers to the Tax Office of foreign residents
Declarations of changes
Preparation and submission of private agreements
Accounting Services For Individuals
Issuance of TAXIS key numbers and user codes
Applications for benefits and aids
Real estate leases
Debt settlement
Inheritances, parental benefits and donations
Processing of bureaucratic tasks in public services and organizations
Issuance of tax, insurance information, traffic fees and ENFIA certificates
Accounting Services For Companies
Computerized bookkeeping.
Accounting services ranging from supervision to full accounting assignment
Processing of all transactions with the Public (Tax Office, Insurance Organizations, General Public Administration, Chambers, etc.)
Tax Services For Companies
Preparation and submission of tax returns
Tax planning and strategy
Checking compliance with the relevant tax legislation
Direct support in regular and extraordinary audits